Macbeth Had A Poorly Eye And Other Stories
Posted By Judith on 28th May 2018
Well the day I had been dreading finally arrived about 3 weeks ago when Macbeth came for his breakfast with a poorly eye. Whether the result of a fight or an amorous encounter gone wrong, it looked awful was undoubtedly affecting his vision and must have hurt like hell.
As we know Macbeth is wild and history has taught me that anything other than stroking his head with one hand whilst providing food with the other is out of the question. Further physical contact is simply not allowed and could result in serious injury (to me).
So there wasn’t much I could do other than ensure he was fed regularly and I pretty much do that anyway, though I did start giving him the better quality stuff and a saucer of milk as a treat to help keep his spirits up. Time would have to take care of the rest.
After about a week his eye began to look much better but then the following day it looked just as bad. It was another week before it began to improve again and I’m pleased to say that at the time of writing he is well on the way to regaining his rugged good looks.

I’m quietly confident that the worst is over. (Until the next time!)
Meanwhile the marauding Siamese with the triangular face, who attacked Poppy last Summer, is still patrolling the garden and is now sporting a rather fetching diamante collar with a silver bell. He looks a right big girls blouse!

He watches on while Macbeth has his breakfast.

In other news.
I went to the dentist last week for a routine check up. Nothing unusual in that and I have had a moan about modern dentistry before, but this time my moan is more about technology in modern life, though don’t get me started on the actual dental procedure, I could go on for pages!!
Back in the day when you had an appointment the receptionist presented you with a small card containing the details and sent you on your way. How you chose to remember was pretty much up to you. An entry in your diary, a note on the calendar or a post-it note stuck to the fridge, perhaps a piece of string tied round your toothbrush, whatever ‘aide memoire’ you chose, you remembered.
In the days leading up to my appointment I had an email a week before, another a few days later closely followed by an automated phone message and finally another email the morning before.
Do they really get so many ‘no shows’ that they need to resort to such measures? Do we all lead such busy lives that we can’t remember a simple date? By the end of the week I felt like I was being stalked.
I’m all in favour of new technology making our lives easier but fear we’re turning into a nation so dependant upon it we’re forgetting how to think for ourselves.
And so to my next ‘technology’ story.
On my walk to the dentist which took me along Louth’s busy main street I passed a young woman taking her 2 small children to school. They must have been about 3 or 4 years old.
The 2 children were holding hands with each other and the mother was holding hands with the nearest. In her other hand was her phone and attached to her phone were headphones which in turn were attached to her ears.
Far be it from me to offer advice on parenting, but surely that must be wrong on so many levels.
I could go on but I won’t. Technology rant over.
Meanwhile in the garden I was hoping that by now I’d be able to announce the return of the swallows, it was May 10th when they arrived last year. Sadly, apart from the odd sighting, we have had none and certainly no sign of nesting in the garage. So disappointing.
However the Acer is handsome as ever

and did I mention last week that nature is a wonderful and beautiful thing? (Paeony)

However I still can’t grow cauliflowers!