And Then There Was One
Posted By Judith on 1st November 2022
When I moved here a little over 2 years ago I had 3 cats.
Poppy, Grayson and Suki.
Given the upheaval of moving house and the fact that Suki had only recently joined us, we all settled in very well together.
Then back in July Poppy became ill. A trip to the vet established there was little to be done other than palliative care.
Around the same time, Grayson went out one Friday teatime and disappeared never to be seen again.
Facebook posts and other online forums brought no news. My neighbour and I walked round the village, in people’s gardens and the local allotment. Nothing.
My big beautiful boy. Always had lots to say, he was a great friend. I miss him so much.

Then last Friday Poppy took a turn for the worst and I was faced with that agonising decision that affects all pet owners sooner or later.
I felt the time had come and so last Saturday morning I took her to the vet for the last time.
Poppy, or Poppy Worthington to give her her full title, was 20 years old, and slept with me every night. She looked like a puff of wind would blow her over, but she had the heart of a lion. Right until the end.

And then there was one.
The strong silent type. Likes to sit in the middle of the road and pretend to be a traffic island!

Big, small, fat, thin I love them all.