
| 27th February 2015

D.I.Y. you either love it or hate it. It can be fun, hard work, rewarding, dangerous or disastrous. Here are a few observations.

(Dim) Light Dawns

| 20th February 2015

There’s a limit to what you can write about painting and decorating. Whilst a brief sojourn into fitting hanging rails in the wardrobes provided some light relief, the last few weeks have been mainly painting, so I thought instead I’d write about a happy accident that happened before Xmas.

To Laugh Or Cry?

| 9th February 2015

On the face of it painting a staircase is quite easy, after all if it’s made with wooden spindles like ours there’s more ‘hole’ than substance, isn’t there? Don’t you believe it.

26 Years

| 1st February 2015

Having recently recovered from a bad back, I’m continuing with decorating the new hall. It used to be Gladys’s kitchen, but I doubt she’d recognise it now.