So That Was 2014
Posted By Judith on 20th December 2014
You might have noticed I haven’t written much about home improvements or D.I.Y recently. Well that’s because we haven’t done any. We’ve hit the wall, run out of steam, in short we’re mentally and physically shattered. So I thought it might be a nice idea to take a look back at 2014.
It’s been quite a year.
It started with the stress of waiting for our offer on Grassy Bottom to be accepted, followed by the equally stressful wait for the solicitors to do their worst.
Next came the task of finding a builder. This involved many freezing cold meetings at the property, and the first estimate we got was so big it made our ears bleed, and didn’t even include central heating.
In the end we found Adrian who, despite subsequent events, proved to be a good builder and did (nearly!) all the work, including central heating, for half the price!
Work started mid March and progressed reasonably well for the most part. Each day we were up early so we could be on site for 8.30am, not going home until they did. We hadn’t intended to do that every day, but in the end that’s what happened.
We couldn’t actually ‘do’ anything inside, where it was freezing cold, dirty and boring. Outside it was cold and wet, so we couldn’t ‘do’ anything there either, until April when the weather picked up and we decided to tackle the hedge. Before and after.
But one of my favourite photos of the year was when the chimney sweep came.
We were desperate to move out of the cottage, 9 months of microwave meals is enough for anyone. Finally, at the end of May we moved in. The builders and plumber were still on site, but even so, it wasn’t as bad as the last time we moved!
Gradually we unpacked boxes and rearranged furniture. We also managed other jobs such as building the bookshelves, putting the first coat on the staircase/landing, fitting curtain poles and burning the fall-out from the shed and assorted hedge trimmings. We even managed to get a scrap man to call and take the corrugated sheets and other metal stuff.
In between we sat in the garden quite a bit. Leonard has taken to Grassy Bottom like a duck to water. He loves being inside, he loves being outside, as long as he doesn’t have to work! If he gets too near a job he comes out in a rash!
In June we had to take him to the vet. If you want to know how that went, click here!
It’s now December. We’ve settled into a routine of sorts but we have such a long way to go. Every single room need decorating, and that’s only part of what still needs doing.
Then we have to tackle the outside jobs. Build a garage, landscape, level the drive and get rid of all the concrete. I wonder how far we will have got by this time next year?
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