Potato Power

Posted By on 28th May 2016

The 20 tons of hardcore delivered on Friday wasn’t enough, so on Tuesday 16 more tons arrived, followed by several other smaller consignments. Spreading hardcore is intensely boring, so Leonard and I mostly kept out of the way. In fact I took the opportunity to do a little painting job that’s been hanging on for weeks.

Having run out of paint just before the job was completed I went rummaging in the paint store for a ‘back-up’ tin. Until the garage /shed are completed this paint store is in the very bottom of the pantry cupboard. Not ideal I grant you, but better than stacked up in the sitting room where it was before.

However, before it became a paint store the bottom of the pantry cupboard was where I used to keep, among other things, potatoes.

I can’t remember how long it is since the change over occurred, it could easily be 12 months, but whenever it was it would seem that a small potato broke away from the main crop (potato growers will see what I did there!) and hid in a dark corner.

Abandoned, alone, and in almost permanent darkness this brave little soldier did the only thing he knew. He started to grow.

He didn’t just grow a bit, in fact he was 2′ long when I found him. You can see him here next to a 12 inch ruler.


So, what does this short anecdote tell us, apart from the fact that I should take more care when clearing out my cupboards?

Answer :

Never under estimate the power and determination of a small vegetable.

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