Little Brother

| 27th January 2016

Monday saw the return of the small digger to begin digging the foundations for the garage now that the ground has been cleared of old concrete and rubble by ‘big brother’.

Big Brother – The Destruction Continues

| 22nd January 2016

Remember the digger?

How’s Your Chinese?

| 19th January 2016

Peter has bought me a ‘Smartphone’ for my birthday, it’s a serious piece of kit, stuffed with modern technology and functionality. It’s also slim and elegant, just like me! 😉 😮 The problem is it’s instruction manual is written in Chinese!!

Wrong Again!

| 14th January 2016

Despite the weather forecaster’s assurance that this week would be bright, cold but most of all DRY, Monday dawned wet and miserable, and it’s raining today too.

The Grassy Bottom Walk Of Fame

| 10th January 2016

I think Leonard might be getting ideas above his station. Welcome to the ‘Grassy Bottom’ walk of fame.

Be Careful What You Wish For!

| 8th January 2016

The garden project has been on the cards ever since we bought ‘Grassy Bottom’ almost 2 years ago, but it’s only since September that I’ve been wishing like mad that it could get underway. When work began just before Xmas I even checked the long-term weather forecast for January, which seemed pretty benign, however it […]


| 6th January 2016

Despite what Flanders and Swan would have you believe, there is nothing ‘glorious’ about mud.

Bulbs And Stuff

| 5th January 2016

Despite forecasts to the contrary, it didn’t rain today, well not until around 2.30pm anyway, but sadly the garden work was still hampered by the fact that the blocks and bricks for the foundations won’t be delivered until tomorrow, when once again it is forecast to rain. However, that didn’t stop me from getting some […]

The Digger Returns

| 4th January 2016

Given the amount of rain that fell yesterday I was afraid we might be facing the builders equivalent of a waterlogged pitch this morning, but thankfully work got underway at 9.30am when the digger was delivered.

The Beginning

| 19th December 2015

On Thursday morning work started on the garden project.