
| 9th July 2020

Hiring a skip is always exciting, it is a harbinger of progress and good things to come, so Jenni and I decided to share one.

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

| 2nd July 2020

Well its been a long time coming, but finally I’m here in my new home ‘no.14’. Having survived all the ups and downs of the last 11 months (I’ve been trying to move here since August 1st last year) things were looking good for the beginning of May, however, our plans got scuppered by lockdown. […]

I’m Moving House – – – –

| 12th June 2020

– – – – – – – so things could go quiet for a while, but I’ll be back.


| 1st June 2020

Growing up Janice and I had various pets, most notably Napolean the hamster, Chester the rabbit and Simba the cat. As adults, we have gone down different animal roads with Janice having dogs, Sam and Luke, (golden lab and sheepdog) who are sadly no longer with us and currently beautiful black lab brothers, Aran and […]

Lets Eat Grandma

| 18th May 2020

At school I was hopeless at languages, the French mistress, Miss Hampshire, despaired of me, frankly I wasn’t too keen on her either, as most of the time I had no idea what she was talking about! However, I was quite good at English, which is a surprise because some days I can barely string […]

Déjà Vu, But Not Quite

| 4th May 2020

No, don’t worry, I haven’t gone mad and you’re not having a ‘Groundhog Day’ this really is called ‘Déjà Vu, But Not Quite’, the second one in two weeks. Those of you who know me will know what I’m talking about. For the rest of you, here is a clue.

Déjà Vu, But Not Quite

| 27th April 2020

And so the fateful day finally arrived. It was time to introduce Suki to the great outdoors at ‘Grassy Bottom’. Over the years I’ve developed a method for this procedure that has proved successful in the past, but even so, it’s a worrying time.

Shit happens

| 20th April 2020

First let me begin by apologising for the rather blunt title. If you are offended by the use, or over-use, of the ‘S’ word, then I suggest you stop here and come back next Monday when I will hopefully have written something a little more wholesome. For the rest of you, carry on.


| 13th April 2020

Regular readers might recall a few weeks ago I briefly mentioned a couple of palindromes. No? Perhaps this might refresh your memory for one of them.


| 6th April 2020

Regular readers will know about my 2 cats Poppy and Grayson, and visiting feral tomcat, Macbeth. Well, a few weeks ago I got another, Suki. Whether that was a wise thing to do only weeks away from moving house who knows? And the Coronavirus hasn’t helped matters either, but moving 3 cats to Huddersfield can’t […]