Mud Glorious Mud (again)

| 19th May 2016

The 3 ton digger returned on Tuesday lunchtime, also Adrian along with Brett and David for extra muscle power, and boy did they need it.

The Return Of An Old Friend

| 14th May 2016

Not for the first time the building schedule has slipped. The remaining old concrete in the drive was due to be dug up this week, but the digger won’t be coming until Monday now (hopefully).

If You Build It They Will Come

| 11th May 2016

One of the few pleasures of renting ‘Joiners Cottage’ (and there weren’t many because after the novelty had worn off we grew to hate it) was the antics of the house martins who lived in the open sheds in the yard and provided us with hours of enjoyment watching their wonderful aerial antics.

At Last

| 6th May 2016

What a difference a week makes. 7 days ago I was having to buy in extra coffee and sugar for hot drinks, this week I’m in danger of running out of soft drinks and ice cubes!!


| 2nd May 2016

Want to see some ‘before’ and ‘almost after but not quite’ pics?

Spring? What Spring?

| 30th April 2016

On Wednesday it snowed more in one day than it has done during the entire winter. What’s that about? It certainly doesn’t feel like Spring. Although the lying snow soon went, the rain was never far away blowing in and then out again on a brisk, bitterly cold wind.

The Roof

| 26th April 2016

In recent weeks I’ve got used to accepting large deliveries from Travis Perkins, so when the delivery wagon pulled up unexpectedly yesterday morning I simply greeted him with, “What have you got for me today, then?” His reply was surprising, “Stainless steel shower door frame and glass panel”


| 21st April 2016

At last some decent weather, the last 2 days have been warm with wall-to-wall sunshine.


| 19th April 2016

Remember back in December when I dug up and stored the ‘Lucifer’ corms and how a month later I had to dig out the ones I’d stored in the ground because they were still in the way?

Sometimes . . . . .

| 17th April 2016

Sometimes you just have to get on with it . . . . .