More Rain

| 13th April 2016

Once again the great British weather has dropped a spanner in the works. Although the roof trusses are here, the oak beams arrived on Monday, and the slates and other roofing paraphernalia came this morning, all hope of starting the roofing process today is a distant memory. So I’ll start with a question.

April Showers

| 10th April 2016

‘April showers’ might bring ‘May flowers’, but they don’t do anything to advance the cause of an outdoor job. It’s been a disappointing, ‘stop-start’ kind of week.

Blue Bricks And A Shaggy Dog Story

| 4th April 2016

After 2 days of destruction it was nice to get back to ‘putting things back together’ on Thursday and Friday, specifically putting the final course of ‘blue’ bricks along the top of the long retaining wall.

The Destruction Resumes

| 30th March 2016

Apart from the obvious reasons of providing protection for the car and secure storage for all our gardening and DIY ‘stuff’, a major reason for this garden project was to get rid of the 50+ years of old concrete paths which had been added to and patched up over the years by many well meaning […]

Happy Easter From Grassy Bottom

| 27th March 2016

Thank goodness we’ve put the clocks forward this weekend, I’ve been getting up at 6am for the last 3 weeks because of the light mornings and the prospect of 7am does sound a lot more appealing.

More Maths

| 24th March 2016

Monday was a bit of a slow burn, Brett carried lots of bricks onto the scaffolding platforms whilst Peter and Adrian struggled with the finer points of the second lot of step. These are now testing his geometry skills, so once again lessons long forgotten had to be rediscovered.

Disappointing Friday

| 19th March 2016

After a positive week, yesterday turned out to be a bit of a disappointment on several levels.

Onward and Upward

| 18th March 2016

On Wednesday we had a full compliment of builders, a delivery of bricks and the truss man came!

There’s Nothing Like It

| 16th March 2016

There’s nothing quite like the smell of the first cut grass of the year. I’m hoping when things get sorted out in the garden Terry will resume his grass cutting duties, but until then I’ll be cutting it, and that’s what I did on a lovely, sunny Monday morning. The smell was wonderful.

It’s All Int’ Preparation

| 13th March 2016

Friday was the first day this year that actually felt like Spring and as usual Adrian and Tony were here by 8.30am.