And So It Begins (again)
Judith | 18th November 2020
Having gone as far as I can reasonably go in the garden at no.14, I’m turning my attention to the inside. Six and a bit years on from starting ‘Grassy Bottom’, it’s feeling a bit like déjà vu.
Judith | 18th November 2020
Having gone as far as I can reasonably go in the garden at no.14, I’m turning my attention to the inside. Six and a bit years on from starting ‘Grassy Bottom’, it’s feeling a bit like déjà vu.
Judith | 28th October 2020
Several years ago I had a small fleshy wart on my arm. It didn’t hurt and wasn’t unsightly but it did catch on short-sleeved shirts which was just plain annoying.
Judith | 21st October 2020
I’m pleased to say the kittens in Scotland are doing well. Janice can’t get any jobs done and Graham can’t spin his wool in the shed, but the 7 little furry bundles of mischief, fun and energy are thriving. So that’s alright then!
Judith | 3rd October 2020
Well, I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a strange year and history will no doubt file it in the ‘you couldn’t make it up’ category. This has been particularly true in Scotland for my sister and her husband, but in their case due to cats, not Covid.
Judith | 18th September 2020
After the excitement of the stick insects, things have returned to a more leisurely pace here at No.14!!
Judith | 31st August 2020
‘Every day’s a school day’ that’s what Peter used to say, and he was right too. Why? Well, I’ve just spent the last 2 weeks learning how to look after 3 Indian Stick Insects. Feel free to laugh, everyone I’ve told so far has found it highly amusing.
Judith | 15th August 2020
I’ve written recently about my sister and how, earlier this year, she was thrust into the world of cats by feral, pregnant, visitor Isla The plan had been to re-home the kittens, ‘Harry Potter’ and his sibling, with a neighbour, but things didn’t go according to plan, as he proved impossible to catch, though his […]
Judith | 1st August 2020
Well, it’s exactly 1 year since I first sold ‘Grassy Bottom’ and bought ‘No. 14’. Regular readers will know its been a turbulent 12 months full of highs, lows, disappointments and set-backs and that things didn’t get sorted until June this year, but I’m here now and that’s all that matters.
Judith | 25th July 2020
My niece and her family are away this weekend and my broadband has just been connected today (at long last), so I’m taking the opportunity to reflect on the last few weeks and the huge changes that have occurred in my life.
Judith | 16th July 2020
A few weeks ago I told you about my sister’s recent sortie into the world of cat ownership, with the lovely Isla and her 3 adorable kittens. Sadly 3 have become 2, the fate of the missing kitten is unknown, but I’m pleased to report that the 2 remaining ones are going from strength to […]