Not Our Best Week

| 23rd May 2015

At the end of a week that saw Peter pull a muscle in his back, no sign of the replacement shelves and Leonard at the vet with cat flu, I thought it might be a good idea to end on a high.

The Joys Of Gardening

| 1st May 2015

At Ravendale House we built a garden from scratch. Not for the faint hearted, it was incredibly hard work, but also lots of fun. Fast forward 17 years to ‘Grassy Bottom’, where we have taken over a well established garden created by the previous owner, Gladys, who was undoubtedly a keen gardener and accomplished plants […]

I Just Can’t Help It

| 23rd April 2015

They say that ‘great oaks from little acorns grow’ and as I’m a bit of a ‘sow it and see what happens’ kind of person, about 35 years ago I put that to the test by sowing a couple of dozen acorns.

Brighton Heads

| 18th April 2015

Remember the Brighton Heads from Ravendale House?

Meant For Each Other

| 15th April 2015

Some things are just meant to be together, take these for example.

The Electric Man Cometh (with apologies to Flanders and Swan)

| 28th March 2015

How hard is it to dig over a 4′ by 8′ growing bed? Well, considering that up to 2 years ago I was tending nine, 16′ by 4′ vegetable beds plus numerous flower beds, and growing all the plants from seed, the answer is ‘not very’. Particularly on a beautiful Spring morning.


| 26th November 2014

I like gardening and I just love trees. I don’t know where these two passions come from as neither of my parents had green fingers.


| 18th November 2014

Remember back in April the ‘fall-out’ when we cut down the hedge to half it’s size?

It’s Official

| 31st October 2014

Well then it’s official, today has been the warmest All Hallows’ Eve in the UK since records began, reaching a heady 24C in the south east of England. I don’t think it’s been far off that here in Lincolnshire, and so I’ve been doing some gardening.


| 27th August 2014

In the 15 years that we lived at Ravendale House we planted many trees, with varying degrees of success.