Ups And Downs
Posted By Judith on 10th September 2015
Most things go well in the garden at ‘Grassy Bottom’, but there is the occasional hiccup.
Remember back in April I showed you the cutest little conker tree?
Well, I’m afraid it caught something because this is what it looks like now.
Fortunately it’s central bud for next years growth appears unharmed, so I’m confident it will rally in the Spring.

In an attempt to boost the cotoneaster hedge we’re trying to create, I sowed some berries last year. They germinated well and now I have several baby plants, plus a few ‘self seeded’ from previous years that I’ve found dotted around the garden.

A few weeks ago, in a bid to get one step ahead of next years planting, I sowed a few lupin seeds. They were old stock, so I wasn’t expecting miracles, but got about 6 to germinate in modules, which was enough to get me started next year.
I checked them everyday, watering regularly and protecting from strong winds, direct sun and heavy rain. They responded well, but on the morning I was going to pot them into individual pots disaster struck.
A snail had been in the night and cut 4 of them off at the knees. What was more he was hiding under the tray ready to take the other 2 out the next evening.
The temptation to stamp on him was great, but I resisted and threw him back in the garden and brought the 2 survivors indoors for intensive care.
They’re still doing well and even one of the casualties is trying to regrow, but I’m not sure how successful that will be.

Remember back in May I showed you my sunflower seedlings. These have fared a little better.
I started with 19 but by the time the snails, slugs and strong winds had finished with them I really only had about a dozen viable plants.
After I planted them out they did their usual trick of looking like they were at death’s door for weeks, and then, suddenly, overnight looking like they were interested.
Fortunately I knew what to expect from last time so I persevered, and I’m glad I did, just look at them now!

They range in height from about 5′ to 7′. You can see them here with Gladys’s hollyhock.

I’m still waiting for Peter to finalise his plans for the garden renovations, getting rid of all the concrete and building a new garage/shed or something.
I just hope all the inevitable mess will be over before next Spring.
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