Déjà Vu, But Not Quite
Posted By Judith on 27th April 2020
And so the fateful day finally arrived. It was time to introduce Suki to the great outdoors at ‘Grassy Bottom’. Over the years I’ve developed a method for this procedure that has proved successful in the past, but even so, it’s a worrying time.
It went very well in the beginning and I breathed a sigh of relief as Suki came back inside with me and I closed the door behind us. A few minutes later she asked to go out again, so I put my coat back on and obliged. She’s certainly a quick learner and has impeccable manners.
That too went well, even when she disappeared through the hedge into next door’s garden, she soon returned. So by the time we went out for the third time I was feeling ever so slightly pleased with myself. Then it happened!
Remember the marauding Siameses with the triangular face who terrorised Poppy back in 2017? It actually got into the house a few weeks ago and had another go at her. It’s absolutely brazen, and no amount of shouting and swearing from me seems to have any effect.
Anyway, there we were in the garden and it appeared out of nowhere. Suki, to her credit, greeted it with a left hook, which would have been enough to repel most assailants, but it was un-fazed and just attacked her. Surely history wasn’t going to repeat itself?
Thankfully it didn’t, because Suki, even after such a short time, knew exactly where ‘home’ and safety was.
I thought this might have dented her confidence and was surprised when the following morning she asked to go out again. I opened the door and off she went, then she must have remembered what had happened the day before and came straight back in again.
A few more abortive attempts followed, but her desire to be outside was obviously greater than her fear and so over the next few days we made significant progress.
I think it’s fair to say she has become my new best friend and likes sitting next to me in the evening watching TV or in the garden watching the world go by

always on my right-hand side, unlike Leonard who you might remember was my left-hand man!.