Too Early Too Eager
Posted By Judith on 3rd March 2017
I do it every year and despite the fact I vowed not to do it this year, I have. As soon as we have a couple of days of sunshine I think Spring is here, do some gardening and then the frost comes back, I really should know better.
A couple of weeks ago on our weekly shopping trip to Aldi, we were pleased to find they had a good selection of summer flowering bulbs etc. at very reasonable prices. We ended up buying just short of 300 of various persuasions for just under £13.
The ‘echinacea purpurea’ were showing signs of sprouting in the packet, so I had little choice but to plant those straightaway, needless to say 2 nights later the frost came. Since then every frosty night I go out and cover each young shoot with a plant pot.
The ‘Lily of the Valley’ can take care of itself so was planted out with little ceremony. The pendulous tuberous begonias, which are destined for the ‘Brighton Heads’, have been planted indoors in pots. There are plenty still to do though, not least of which are 150 gladioli.
The forecast for the weekend is grim, so it looks like my gardening is finished for the time being. Good news is, I can now get in the shed, as the slightly warmer weather has made the doors shrink back enough to open if you’re careful.
The crocuses I planted last year have appeared for the first time,

around the bottom of the trees, though I think I’ll need to plant more in Autumn if I want to rival the display on Savile Park in Halifax!! In my defence, they were passed their best when I took the photo. Honest.

But I think Poppy has the best idea.

Wake me up when it’s all over!