Things I’ve Learnt
Posted By Judith on 9th August 2021
In life every day’s a school day and gardening is no exception. Over the years I’ve had some success but also some failures, I try to learn from these, but this year decided to write a list so I don’t forget!
Firstly, don’t be tempted by online offers. Plants by post can be very good, but they can also be terrible.
I can get everything I need and more from Morrisons.
I can’t grow delphiniums.
Dahlias look better on the packet, but probably do better in the ground than in pots.
Antirrhinum need to be in borders.
Stake Anthemis early on, or they flop.
However, here are just a few of the flowers I have grown this year with some success.

Papaver Orientale ‘Royal Wedding’

Aquilegia, various colours but this is one of my favourites.

Primula vialii.


Marguerites, Acanthus and Phlox

Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ and Verbena Bonariensis


People who know me will have noticed I subscribe to the (not so) subtle school of gardening, not everyone’s cup of tea, but you have to admit I now have a proper cottage garden, something I’ve been aiming for

for years.

Well worth all the hard work.