The Garden
Posted By Judith on 25th July 2014
In all the weeks I’ve been writing this blog I haven’t said much about the garden, well I’m about to put that right now.
The whole plot is about 1/4 of an acre, here are a couple of the photos taken just about 12 months ago by the Estate Agent, which they used in their ‘For Sale’ advert.
First the side garden with fruit trees.

Then the front garden, you can see the fruit trees to the right.

As the months have past we have discovered that the flower beds are well stocked with good quality plants. Gladys, the old lady who lived here, was obviously a keen gardener and plantswoman, indeed a neighbour told us she could be seen out in all weathers tending her garden well into her eighties.
He also told us she was still managing to climb the step-ladder to the upstairs rooms well into her eighties too. Respect. I think I would have liked Gladys.
So here we have a selection of her flowers.
She had the best collection of Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ that I’ve seen anywhere outside a stately home. Large clumps like this are scattered throughout the garden.
And how about this Yucca Filamentosa for an impressive sight, with it’s 5′ flower spike.

Not for the squeamish, Hemerocallis covered in pollen beetles.
I’m afraid, since we moved in, my gardening has consisted mostly of ‘fire fighting’ weeds as they come into flower, before they set seed. Hopefully, next year I’ll be able to devote more time to looking after the garden like Gladys did.
Just like buses, ‘Stand-up Steve’ the plumber and the up-stand for the sink, both arrived on Wednesday afternoon. Sounds good news, except that the leak on the downstairs radiator is now worse than before he ‘mended’ it.
Here we have Adrian and Peter fitting the up-stand to the top of the sink in the evening sunshine.
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