The Best Things In Life
Posted By Judith on 23rd March 2020
There are 2 smells in life which are so wonderful, memorable and unmistakably special that if they could be bottled, would make some budding entrepreneur very rich indeed.
What are they?
One is the smell of the first new mown grass of the season and the other is the smell inside a new car, particularly if it has leather upholstery.
Terry hasn’t been to cut my grass yet this year, I still have that pleasure to come here at ‘Grassy Bottom’, so whilst I wait let me introduce you to Bert,

my beautiful new car.
He smells amazing and looks pretty good too. He drives like a dream and has a really cool interior which as I’ve mentioned before is more practical, but definitely not more age-appropriate.
Unfortunately, I had to pick him up right in the middle of a family crisis which meant that instead of my first drive being a potter round the quiet lanes of Lincolnshire, it was actually an 80 mile dash along 3 motorways to Huddersfield, something I doubt I would have dared to do 12 months ago.
All is well there now thank goodness.
On my return I wanted to take a proper photo of Bert. I set off early one morning and it just so happened that the grass was being cut in the churchyard as I arrived, so I had my 2 favourite smells together in one place, it was quite surreal because I’d written most of this before I set off, and it did make me think.
I know the world feels like it’s going to hell in a handcart at the moment, but the truth is the best things in life are still free and readily available.
Love, friendship, the smell of newly mown grass, but sadly not new cars!
Still, to paraphrase ‘Meatloaf’, “3 out of 4 ain’t bad”.