Seasons Greetings
Posted By Judith on 23rd December 2017
Xmas is not my favourite time of year for a variety of reasons which I won’t bore you with here, nor will I inflict you with my ‘bah humbug’ attitude to the festive season for any longer than necessary.
But it’s not all doom and gloom.
Firstly congratulations to the BBC on one of the best Xmas ‘adverts’ of all time featuring a dad and his dancing daughter. Brilliant.
ITV also deserve a mention for their advert with skating polar bears for the show ‘Dancing on Ice’. Beautiful.
So it only remains for me to wish you Merry Xmas from ‘Grassy Bottom’ and say that I’ll be hibernating now for 2 weeks until the whole thing is over.
I did think about signing off with a picture of a smiling snowman or a rotund robin, but decided instead to finish with a picture of 2 things very close to my heart, cats and donkeys.

I’ll be back in the New Year with a cheeky little post that might put a smile on your face and some colour in your cheeks! 😳
Merry Xmas.