How Does Your Garden Grow?
Posted By Judith on 12th February 2018
Just what you need to brighten a cold February day, some more ‘before’ and ‘after’ pics, but before you yawn with boredom and turn away, they aren’t of ‘Grassy Bottom’, they are in fact photos from my sister’s garden in Aberdeenshire.
Back in August 2015 they began work making a pond and at the beginning of the following April it was taking shape, though as you can just see the mini digger was still on site.

By the end of the month it was looking less like a building site

and by October you could really see things taking shape.

In January of last year it was time to think about more planting,

the black plastic sheeting having done it’s job the ground was clear of weeds,

but first mark out the path.

In March came sunshine, blue skies and a bench.

By the middle of May all their hard work was beginning to bear fruit (or at least flowers)

and by the middle of June the garden was in full swing.

So, that’s how you make your garden grow, lots of love, patience and hard work.