‘Harry Potter’
Posted By Judith on 15th August 2020
I’ve written recently about my sister and how, earlier this year, she was thrust into the world of cats by feral, pregnant, visitor Isla
The plan had been to re-home the kittens, ‘Harry Potter’ and his sibling, with a neighbour, but things didn’t go according to plan, as he proved impossible to catch, though his sister is now in her new home.
Needless to say ‘Harry’ is now even more wary of human interaction, though he does come every day with his Mum to be fed, so it looks like he will be staying put for the time being at least.
Having said that I don’t think Janice is too upset by this as ‘Harry’ is a bit of a superstar,

and quite an accomplished footballer,

whilst his Mum, the heavily pregnant (again) Isla, looks like a football with legs!

Cute or what?

They grow up so fast these days,

but they’re always kittens to us!