Getting Back On The Horse
Posted By Judith on 30th March 2020
The phrase ‘you couldn’t make it up’ is probably overused, but sometimes its exactly what you need t.o describe a situation. Take the latest stage in my ‘trying to move house’ saga for example. Remember last year? August 1st to be exact, sold my house and bought another one (known affectionately as no.14) then it all fell through 15 weeks later?
I really didn’t know what to do next, so bought myself some ‘thinking time’ by taking it off the market over Xmas and New Year, and accepting I’d pretty much kissed goodbye to no.14.
At the end of January I felt strong enough to get back on the horse and re-listed ‘Grassy Bottom’ with the same agent at the same price. I soon got viewings, which I found quite surprising given the time of year.
I hadn’t bothered to unpack, so instead of this

they got this.

Then I went away on holiday for 10 days, but before I left I had accepted an offer on ‘Grassy Bottom’. Things were certainly looking up despite the piles of boxes everywhere. I’d got up to box number 49 before it all went wrong!
On my return I discovered that no.14 had come back on the market, after yet another failed sale, so I gathered what little confidence I have and tried to buy it again, well it would have been rude not to! And guess what, my offer was accepted.
‘Déjà vu’ and ‘you couldn’t make it up’, all rolled into one.
And so the whole process begins once more. You’d like to think that as I’m buying the same house a lot of the legwork will have been done, but sod’s law being what it is, Local Authority searches only last for 6 months and mine have just run out, so that’ll be another £95 then please!
It’s early days yet, and of course the Coronavirus is threatening to put a spanner in all our works. So while we wait for life to return to normal, let’s say a big ‘Grassy Bottom’ thank-you to all NHS staff and other key workers during this difficult time.