Posted By Judith on 18th December 2020
I thought the window bottom had put up a fight, but it did not prepare me for what was to come with the two doors.
Original to the house, circa 1930 at a guess, they have seen better days, and are covered in varying layers of paint. I was curious to know what they would look like when stripped, and was hoping for a honey-coloured pine that I could varnish, but was soon disabused of that notion.
I say ‘soon’, in actual fact it took a long time and a lot of hard work to find out that they were in fact pitch pine, so would have to be painted again, but first I had to strip off all the old paint.

Fortunately, I’d been able to borrow a heat gun paint stripper, which made the job a lot easier, though not without it’s difficulties.
You only make this mistake once!

At last, the old paint was off,

you can see why a clear varnish was out of the question.
I’d bought these 2 beauties to replace the old door knobs,

and was very pleased with the result.

Only another 5 doors to go!!
Merry Xmas!!!