Posted By Judith on 27th February 2015
D.I.Y. you either love it or hate it. It can be fun, hard work, rewarding, dangerous or disastrous. Here are a few observations.
Did you know for instance that ‘Wicks’ own brand ‘satin finish’ paint, dries to a high gloss which ‘goes off’ over subsequent days. Rather disconcerting if you don’t know, which we didn’t, and brings a whole new meaning to the expression ‘watching paint dry’.
Having decided to make our own curtain poles for downstairs, we decided to buy the 2 we need for upstairs.
Did you know that you can purchase a 5′ curtain pole, with matching brackets, finials and rings for £39.99 online from Argos. But what is really interesting is that you can buy the exact same items, box fresh, on E Bay, delivered free the next day, for £16.49!! It pays to shop around.
Finally there is the knotty problem of screws. I wrote some time ago about how modern paint is sadly lacking in — well paint really, and also posed the question ‘since when did you need a science degree to buy a light bulb?’ Now the subject of my wrath is screws.
Back in the day a screw had a single slot in it’s head ‘/ ‘. Now the world is being taken over by ones with a little cross ‘x’, known as ‘Phillips’ or ‘crosshead’ screws. Peter hates them and much prefers to use the old fashioned kind.
However, my gripe about screws is far less technical. We have hundreds of the things, some inherited ( I bet you didn’t know you could inherit screws did you? ) others collected over 40 years of D.I.Y. but whenever we do a job we never seem to have the right screw in stock, either that or we need 6 identical ones, but we can only find 5.
We have more screws than B&Q and going through them is the bane of my life. These are just a few of them.

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