Small Steps

| 11th March 2016

Thursday started grey and damp but soon brightened up and turned into a pretty nice day. Adrian and Tony were here by 8.30am and work resumed on the first set of steps,

And Then The Rain Came

| 9th March 2016

Yesterday dawned bright and frosty, Adrian and Tony were here by 8.30. The garage base had been covered overnight to protect it from frost,


| 8th March 2016

At 8.30 yesterday morning the concrete arrived, this was going to be a 3 man job, so Adrian and Brett were accompanied by Steve.

And Then There Were Two

| 4th March 2016

We were lucky, the forecast snow mostly passed us by. Thanks to the unexpected ‘better’ weather we were able to get more garden work done and the longer retaining wall is now complete except for it’s top course.

Our First Wall

| 1st March 2016

It’s been a long time coming, but yesterday afternoon we got our first wall. It might not look much to you, and it still needs ‘topping off’, but for us, after a process that started back in September when we first approached Adrian for a quote, it is a major milestone.

At Last

| 28th February 2016

At last on Wednesday, after an enforced break of 3 weeks, 1,000 ‘Selbourne Red Multi’ bricks were delivered. More will follow, but at least they gave Adrian something to start with.

Need I Say More?

| 24th February 2016

They say a picture paints a thousand words – – – –

Who Knew?

| 13th February 2016

Who knew there were so many different kinds of bricks? Who knew it would take so long to find suitable ones for the project? Certainly not us.

Mysterious Ways

| 3rd February 2016

We’ve all heard it said that God is omnipresent and moves in mysterious ways, but I didn’t realise until recently that this could also be said about the Pope. For example, I bet you didn’t know he is in Northamptonshire as I speak. Intrigued? Has ‘Grassy Bottom’ stumbled upon a story missed by the worlds’ […]

Out With The Old, In With The New

| 30th January 2016

After what seems like a lifetime of digging up old concrete (and there’s still loads more to do) the consignment of new concrete arrived on Wednesday morning as planned.