They’re Back!

| 14th May 2017

I’m pleased to announce that on Wednesday May 10th the swallows returned to ‘Grassy Bottom’. Actually we thought we’d seen an odd one a few days earlier, but as we know that doesn’t make a summer!


| 11th May 2017

Regular readers might have gathered by now that I like bright colours. Nothing pleases me more than seeing my ‘Spring’ flower bed in full bloom.


| 27th April 2017

Earlier in the year we bought a small, heated window-sill propagator. To be honest I don’t know why we haven’t had one before but there we are and so since around the middle of March I’ve been frantically sowing seeds.

Spring Again

| 21st April 2017

Another reason why I love Spring.


| 16th April 2017

Why is Spring my favourite time of year? Here’s why.

Too Early Too Eager

| 3rd March 2017

I do it every year and despite the fact I vowed not to do it this year, I have. As soon as we have a couple of days of sunshine I think Spring is here, do some gardening and then the frost comes back, I really should know better.

In The Shed

| 23rd February 2017

I never thought I’d long for a return to the bad old days when our living room looked like a branch of B&Q, but I do at the moment.

Is This Our Nemesis?

| 31st October 2016

Hedge cutting. Nemesis: A long-standing rival; an arch-enemy.

Hedge Cutting

| 11th October 2016

On Saturday the chap came with his big machine to cut the hedge, and boy did it need doing!

18 Going On 60+

| 27th September 2016

A few weeks ago I wrote about all the ‘garden stuff’ we have accumulated over a lifetime and how I’ve had to find ever more ingenious methods of storing it over the last 3 years of living out of boxes.