Posted By Judith on 22nd May 2016
Fancy a trivia quiz? Ready? Here’s question one. How long does it take to clear the garden of all the remaining concrete whilst simultaneously digging out for the new gravel?
Well, it took a little over 3 days, and by lunchtime on the fourth day we were ready for the hardcore to be delivered.
Second question. How do you tip 20 tons of hardcore through the gateway of a domestic drive?
Answer, very carefully.
Final question, what do you think this is? We dug it up during the excavations, here I photographed next to a £1 coin.
It’s stone and an almost perfect sphere, a bit like a big marble.
Could it indeed be a piece from a long forgotten game or perhaps some kind of medieval projectile?
I don’t know if these fanciful suggestions are anywhere near the truth, but whatever it is, how was it made so perfectly round and smooth?
So, what do you think it is? Answers on a postcard to – – (now I really am showing my age!)
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