Watch The Birdie
Posted By Judith on 23rd April 2018
It is said that The Great Wall of China is visible from space, well guess what? So is ‘Grassy Bottom’,
or at least it’s visible on ‘Google’ maps and here it is.

The database has obviously been updated since I last looked because it shows all our recent garden improvements.
For example the 4 white lines that you can see are actually the paths in my vegetable garden and just to the left is the newly built garage/shed. How cool is that?! You can also just make out the 2 sets of new steps leading down to the lawn.
Encouraged by this interesting find I decided to do a bit more ‘Googling’ and found this next image on ‘Google’ maps which was taken by one of their mobile units in 2009. It shows ‘Grassy Bottom’ 5 years before we bought it. It’s just like having a time machine!

As you can see Gladys had a greenhouse and productive vegetable garden. Are those leeks I can see?
Having found the 2009 image I thought it might be fun to see if I could recreate it some 9 years on.
Obviously I can’t compete with the fancy lenses or the height of a ‘Google Mobile Camera Unit’ but I thought I’d still have a go.
I had to make do with standing on an upturned milk crate and holding my ‘Smart’ phone as high above my head as possible without falling off. What the passing motorists thought I have no idea!
And this is the result.

Not the best photo I’ve ever taken and it would look better if the flowers were in bloom but you can probably see that the greenhouse has gone and the vegetable garden is now grass, which is how it was when we first viewed the property in 2013.
As we know the ‘gravestones’ along the side have been replaced by ‘Adrian’s Wall’ and the holly bush that was next to the greenhouse is now at least twice the size, you can also just see the new garage/shed at the left hand side.
But the thing that really made me smile was the fact that on both photos, taken 9 years apart, there is a wood pigeon sat on the apex of the roof. What are the chances of that?
You coudn’t make it up!!