Two Questions
Posted By Judith on 15th January 2018
Back in the days when we had our shop, we used to sell a huge range of pictures. Large, small, prints, originals, oils, water colours and pastels.
The subject matter was just as varied. Plants and flowers, people and animals, landscapes and seascapes, still life and abstracts.
Some we liked, such as the ‘Blue Plate’ which we brought with us, some we didn’t, after all ‘Art’ is a very subjective topic and better people than I have written about it at some length.
Some of our most successful lines were prints by popular artists such as the renowned Scottish painter Joseph Farquharson. (1846 – 1935) He was very fond of painting sheep in the Highlands, usually in winter and often at dawn or dusk when the light is particularly atmospheric.
Here you can see a good example of what I mean.

His pictures are so popular they’ve found their way into popular culture having been made into such things as greetings cards, place mats and jig-saw puzzles, indeed I have one of the puzzles.
I hadn’t thought of him in ages, (why would I?) until my sister sent me this photo of her 4 pet sheep, Bluebell, Hazel, Fiver and Millie, (don’t know which is which) taken early on a cold January morning in Aberdeenshire.

Pretty similar don’t you think?
Here we see Bluebell striking a solitary pose.

So here’s question 1, does life imitate art, as Oscar Wilde thought, or is it the other way round?
If that’s a bit too highbrow, (thinking about it certainly makes me dizzy) question 2 is less sophisticated. What would be an amusing caption for this photo? (even less idea which is which!)

The best I can come up with is ‘Rack of lamb’ but that would be a bit tasteless as these are much loved pets and my sister and her husband are vegetarian. (Sorry Janice but that’s the best I could do.)
Can you do any better?