Sublime and Ridiculous
Posted By Judith on 8th June 2021
Buying anything online is a bit of a lottery, but plants can be particularly testing. Over the years I have had disappointments, but mostly things have turned out OK.
Towards the end of last year I sent for 12 Kaffir Lillies, (Schizostylis). I can’t remember what I paid, but they weren’t cheap. They looked OK, but I decided it was too late in the year to plant them out, so kept them in pots over winter.
Sadly they did not make it, but when I was emptying the pots out I found this brave little soldier, just clinging to life.

In the other extreme, I paid 50p for a small Verbena Lanai at a well known cut-price supermarket. It was on it’s last legs, but just look at it now!

It’s beautiful.