‘Strictly’ – Harbinger Of Doom (But not really)
Posted By Judith on 20th November 2017
Each year as the popular BBC entertainment show begins it’s run at the beginning of September I feel depressed, because for me ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ heralds the start of Winter.
It’s quite ridiculous that the best light entertainment show on TV should have this effect on me, but it does. I feel that if I get drawn into it (and I always do!) I’m getting drawn into Winter before I’m ready.
I feel pretty much the same about ‘The Apprentice’ (which I watch) and ‘I’m A Celebrity’ (which I don’t) but it’s the start of ‘Strictly’ that really depresses me.
I never watch the very first show where the ‘celebrities’ meet their dance partners. It’s far too embarrassing and makes me want to hide behind the sofa.
This first show is then followed by a 3 week break whilst the ‘celebs’ are put through their terpsichoral paces. Then the show begins in earnest.
Weeks 1 and 2 I dip into, still resisting the draw into Winter, but by week 3 when the personalities and varying abilities of the ‘celebs’ is beginning to come through, I’m hooked, and that’s how it stays right up to the final. Winter has succeeded in reeling me in.
I don’t read the gossip and tittle-tattle about whose marriage has failed or who has begun a relationship with their dance partner, I’m not interested and that would spoil it for me anyway. I just take it as it is, a damned good light entertainment show suitable for ALL the family.
The costumes are amazing, the make-up brilliant and suitably OTT in Halloween week. The work that goes on behind the scenes must be immense.
There have been some hilarious routines, Ed Balls, Gangnam Style. Need I say more?
But Labour MP’s aside, there have been some memorable performances too. Some of the best, in my opinion, were done by Kellie Bright and Kevin (from Grimsby) Clifton in 2015, I think they should have won that year and Darcey Bussell agreed with me. Now there’s a sentence I never expected to write.
This year I’m again cheering for Kevin (local boy made good) Clifton with his partner Susan Calman. Sadly, I don’t think they will win, but I can certainly identify with being 5′ nothing and not very elegant. (Sorry Susan, no offence intended.) The fact is you’ve brought joy to millions and hope to an army of women like me with short legs!
Whilst Susan is the hero of the vertically challenged, Debbie McGee is the poster girl for the more mature lady. She’s 59 years old, how can she do all that stuff, I couldn’t do it when I was 19!!
The half-way point in Blackpool is a high light, and that’s where they were this weekend and it didn’t disappoint.
I’m pleased to say Kevin and Susan made it through to next week, but in truth I’m not sure how much further they can go. The voting public will be crucial for their survival in the run up to Xmas, as the other contestants are better dancers.
So there we are. The best entertainment show by far, yet it depresses me every year when it starts, even though it provides spectacular entertainment and memorable moments.
Where’s Sigmund Freud when you need him!