So That Was 2016 (in pictures)
Posted By Judith on 16th December 2016
At this time of year I usually take a few minutes to look back and reflect on what the past 12 months have had to offer. I’m going to do it twice this year, once in words but firstly in pictures.
So, in no particular order and for no reason other than I like them or they hold a particular memory or landmark moment, here are my pictures of 2016.
Work started on the garden.
The first small wall was built. It seemed like progress at the time, but we had a very long way to go.
At long last work on the garage base began.
Flaming June!
What’s not to love about a sunflower?
What’s not to love about Leonard?
Whitby, one of our favourite places, with it’s picturesque harbour
and iconic abbey.
The gravel arrived.

The hedges got cut.
Leonard at Grassy Bottom.
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