Sensible Shoes

Posted By on 5th December 2016

Now that the major renovations to the house and garden are mostly finished and winter is upon us, it means that not much gardening or DIY is getting done, in other words most of the source material for this blog has disappeared. Therefore I will have to look elsewhere for my inspiration. That’s why today I’m going to talk about shoes.

I’m no-ones idea of a fashion icon (short pause whilst those who know me recover from that news!!) and have no interest whatsoever in so-called celebrity culture, indeed I think the word ‘celebrity’ is so mis-used these days that it fails to have any real meaning.

However I’m baffled by people who obsess about designer labels, particularly when it applies to shoes. As far as I can see ‘designer’ shoes are expensive, uncomfortable, bad for your posture not to mention your toes and knees.

It didn’t take much time on Google to find this fine example of what I mean. I’d need oxygen and a physiotherapist/chiropractor if I tried to walk in them.


Shoes should be comfortable and not pose any danger to your general health and well being, but that doesn’t mean they have to be boring.

I don’t think anyone would call my daffodil yellow ‘docs’ boring,


they might think of other words to describe them, but I don’t think ‘boring’ would be one of them.

Now I don’t want you to think that I’m some kind of latter-day skinhead pensioner because I’m not, indeed my favourite shoes in all the world are more of a ‘hippie’ persuasion, my ‘magic mushroom’ boots,


so named because of the mushroom design on them.


Bought in Scarborough more years ago than I care to remember, I still wear them on high days and holidays even at my great age.

Why jump on the bandwagon of ‘celebrity’ and put yourself through pain and discomfort with every step, whilst simultaneously making a large hole in your bank balance?

“In the name of fashion” I hear you cry. Well fashion is transient and a very subjective concept, here today and gone tomorrow.

Sensible shoes are forever!

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