Merry Xmas
Posted By Judith on 11th December 2021
We’re all familiar with the old chestnut, “How do you fit 4 elephants into a Mini?”, well I’ve got a new one for you.
How do you fit a 4′ living Xmas tree into a Mini?
Answer. Very carefully!

But well worth the effort.

The camera on my phone is good, but not that good, so needless to say it looks better in real life, in pitch blackness.
I think it’s fair to say that Xmas decorations have improved dramatically over the last few years, and yet I’m sure we all have our ‘old favourite’ that comes out year after year, looking ever more dishevelled, but still commanding a place in our Xmas hearts.
For me it’s this large paper bell.

Yes, I know it’s a bit wonky and held together with sellotape, paperclips and staples, but it’s not looking bad for something that cost 22p from Woolworths 45 years ago!
Merry Xmas. Happy New Year. Stay safe.
And as this is the panto season, take Cinderella’s advice. ‘Have courage and always be kind’.