Look Straight Ahead And Think Of England
Posted By Judith on 22nd January 2018
Since moving to ‘Grassy Bottom’ in 2014 regular readers will know we have hired tradesmen to do the major renovations, but that doesn’t mean Peter and I have been idle.
On the contrary we have done a lot of DIY work and looking back quite a lot of it has involved me holding heavy items above my head, quite often whilst standing on a step ladder, so that Peter can do the ‘fixings’.
It started way back in 2015 when we fitted the herb rack followed closely by the large stained glass lampshade that had been broken in the post. Fortunately we were able to get it repaired for a small cost and 2 trips to Lincoln.
Both items heavy, one very breakable and both in the hall over an unforgiving quarry tile floor with me up a step ladder holding said items above my head. I’m scared of heights, so only like to venture up 3 steps when I can hold on!
However, on finding yourself in this position you have to make a decision as to what you do with your head.
Look up for too long and you run the risk of a severe headache as I found out with the herb rack. I think I was compressing something important at the base of my skull.
Looking down isn’t an option either when you’re scared of heights, nor is closing your eyes, as this can cause disorientation and dizziness, closely followed by blind panic.
Therefore the only thing to do is look straight ahead and think of England!
Having learned this lesson quite early on, who could forget what came next? Why it was Gladys’s ladder of course. Now that really was a challenge.
Here it is today.

Moving on to 2016 we fixed the ‘Brighton Heads’ outside the front door. Admittedly these weren’t very high up, but were heavy and took a lot of strength and determination to hold in place, as once again they could have easily been damaged.
Why this sudden trip down memory lane to re-visit my past ‘strong-man’ triumphs?
Well, we spent most of Xmas and the New Year decorating the last remaining downstairs room that hasn’t been touched since we moved in. (Upstairs we still need to tackle the big bedroom.)
Part of that decorating involved mounting this ‘little’ beauty on the wall.

Strictly speaking I only held it level with my head, not above, but at 7ft long and solid oak, it certainly satisfied the ‘heavy’ criteria.
Once the room is finished there will be some ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures, but in the meantime I’ll just whet your appetite with this ‘before’ pic!

Onwards and upwards!