Just Like Buses
Posted By Judith on 19th July 2021
I am old enough to remember, in some detail, England’s success in the 1966 World Cup final. I’ve been waiting 55 years, along with a large proportion of the population, hoping that they might repeat the success, always to have my dreams dashed.
I was hopeful that at last, this year, the wait might be over. It just so happened that the Euros final was held during my recent visit to Scotland.
(If you’re not into football, don’t worry, it gets better!)
I’ve waited even longer to see a real live badger, 67½ years to be precise.
Well, it seems that, like buses, you wait all this time and then 2 come along together.
The Scottish badgers that I had been hoping to see, turned up in Janice’s garden just as the penalty shoot-out was starting! There they were right outside the dining room window, the TV was in the sitting room!!
Sod’s law or what? Penalty shoot-outs always make me nervous, I watched the badgers instead.
So I’m still waiting, for the football at least.
I’ve had a great time and whilst I was there the 2 black labrador brothers, Aran and Skye, celebrated their 11th birthday.

Still full of energy.

I hope I can do that when I’m 77!!
Actually, thinking about it, I can’t do that now!!
We spent a very enjoyable morning at a falconry centre, which I will be writing about later, but for the most part, we spent our time sightseeing some of Scotlands hidden gems. So I’ll let the pictures do the talking.
For example.

Bow Fiddle Rock,

which has a serious pebble beach.

Findlater Castle.


All within 30 minutes drive, but just as good and within walking distance is the magical forest, which is sadly due to be felled, so I may not get to see it again, and the beautiful river Deveron winding through the valley below.
