I’m On A Little List
Posted By Judith on 2nd February 2017
I’ve always been a great believer in lists, indeed I believe that committing any words or numbers to paper can help focus your mind in tricky situations, but lists in particular are very useful.
As a child I made lists of what to pack for my annual holiday, lists of names and addresses of family and friends to send post cards to and who reading this hasn’t just stowed their Xmas Card list safely away for next December?
Shopping lists are also an essential part of everyday life though I notice whilst walking around the supermarket a lot of ‘lists’ are now on mobile devices, not the back of an envelope.
I often write lists for my gardening. Jobs to do, seeds to sow, plants to buy, shrubs to prune. Lists are good, lists are useful, lists are an ‘aide memoire’ (I can hear Miss Hampshire calling out again!) lists on the whole are a helpful part of life.
However I seem to have got myself on to a ‘bad’ list, or to be more accurate ‘Our First Rainbow’ has.
Each day I receive dozens and dozens of ‘SPAM’ comments for that post offering me such things as Viagra, Kung-Fu lessons or porn, but the ones that offend me most are those that offer to write original material for my website as ‘they’ think it is lacking in unique content. Excuse me?!!!!
I’ve tried blocking the senders computers individually, but as these comments are usually generated ‘virtually’ i.e not by a person but a ‘bot’ of some kind, it simply adjusts itself (I don’t know the correct technical term) and starts again where it left off.
I’ve had this kind of thing happen on and off for years spread over a selection of my post (just one of the problems of having a website) but recently it has escalated out of all proportion and 99% of it is attacking my rainbow.
The internet is such a wonderful thing, yet mindless people programme equally mindless ‘bots’ to meddle in peoples lives. I know better than to click on any of their links and deleting them is easy, but that doesn’t make it any less annoying or destructive. Why can’t they use their computer skills for good?
I’m tired of being bombarded by this rubbish, so have decided to temporarily suspend the ability to leave comments on this site.
I have had only a few genuine comments over the years, so I don’t suppose it is too much of an inconvenience. I’ll keep rambling on just the same, but thought I ought to let you know that you can’t.
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