Grassy Bottom Flower Collection
Posted By Judith on 5th August 2016
Amidst all the mud and mayhem of the last 7 months, (yes 7 months) we have managed to grow a few nice flowers. Here are some photos taken over the last few weeks showing a selection of the best.
Remember the Yucca from a couple of years ago? Well he didn’t flower last year, but has re-appeared this year as you can see here.
I suppose when you have a flower spike that is 7′ 6″ high you probably need time to work up to it!
The observant among you might also have noticed ‘Xander’ attached to the trunk of the tree on the left and ‘Dan’ sitting at the base of the Yucca.
Then there are the carnation cuttings I took 2 years ago from Gladys’s original plants that had become overgrown. They’ve already been moved twice in their short lives but don’t seem to mind.
Who could forget the clematis, variety unknown, who used to climb up the side of the front door, but now meanders along under the front room window.
I collected some opium poppy seeds last year, I’ve had mixed results, this is the best one, along with one of my ‘Munchkin’ sunflowers,

who you can see better here, complete with bee.
How about Gladys’s hollyhock for making a bold statement. I’m not quite sure why she planted it there, but who am I to judge.
Sadly I missed the opportunity to photograph some magnificent iris that appeared at the side of the lawn, perhaps next year.
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