Giant Sunflower
Posted By Judith on 29th January 2018
I’ve wittered on at some length over the last 12 months about sunflowers. In particular I’ve been very proud of the large one that grew, unexpectedly, out of a packet of ‘Munchkin’ seeds.
What I didn’t mention at the time (because I hadn’t found the photos then) was that back in 2010 I grew an even bigger one, or perhaps more accurately, a taller one.
Well, now winter is here I’ve had some time to get my old photo albums out, so here are some pictures of the tallest sunflower I have ever grown.
Here we see it mid-season growing at the corner of the kitchen.

By the end of the season it was too tall to get in one ‘shot’, so here is the stalk leaning against the garage,

finally the seed head.

I may have mentioned this before, but what’s not to love about a sunflower?