Front Garden
Posted By Judith on 8th August 2020
Having gone as far as I could with the back garden for now, I turned my attention to the front. Here are a few photos of progress so far.
Here it is from the road, with some of the rubbish piled up. Mark, my new neighbour, is just fixing my terracotta heads by the door.

So we got a skip

and filled it.

The observant among you might notice that in the first picture my red Mini is replaced by a blue Fiesta. That was the courtesy car following the puncture.
Then we proceeded to dig the large stones out of the grass and pile them in the path for use later in the project.

Then I began the back breaking job of digging it all over,

and putting the first plants in, ably assisted by Grayson (he was recycling that day, sometimes he’s general waste) and Suki.

I’m waiting for the council to come and remove the 3 surplus wheelie bins at the end by the road.
This is what it looks like now.

Still a long way to go, but I’m pleased with progress so far.