Posted By Judith on 3rd September 2018
Fraud. “Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain”. But exactly what constitutes fraud?
I’ve always been fascinated by sand sculptures. ( I bet you didn’t see that coming!) It doesn’t take long with Google to discover pictures of the most intricate and beautiful examples covering a wide range of subjects. I actually find it hard to believe that they are made from sand.
Take a look at these for example.

There are some very talented and imaginative people out there.

On our various visits to the seaside we have come across a few, most notably last year on the beach at Scarborough as part of some local charity event.
But who needs a beach?
A couple of weeks ago when we were in Whitby one enterprising young entrepreneur had chosen to do his sand sculpture on the pavement outside the Nat West bank.
On a blanket on the ground (nearly burst into song there!) was a sand sculpture of a Golden Labrador lying down with a puppy. Not the most sophisticated sculpture I’ve ever seen, but enough to encourage well meaning holiday makers to throw money into a hat.
As we stood with the small crowd to watch, the young boy, who seemed to be the ‘artist’, was gently and meticulously poking his finger in the dogs nether regions. We moved on.
When we came back several hours later he still had his finger in the dogs bottom. Now I’m no expert when it comes to sand sculptures and I’m certainly no expert on dogs bottoms, but it seems to me that this had all the hall marks of a hoax, a fraud, call it what you will.
Picture the scene.
Early in the morning arrive with a bag of sand a supply of water and a mould of ‘sleeping Labrador with puppy’. Fill mould with moist sand, turn out on to blanket ‘et voilĂ ’, a sand sculpture. Spend the rest of the day poking at the dogs rear end with your finger, taking money off unsuspecting tourists.
You wouldn’t think it possible to commit ‘fraud by sand sculpture’ would you?