Book Shelves
Posted By Judith on 21st July 2014
After successfully fitting out the kitchen cupboard with recycled shelving last week, we turned our attention to the book shelves which will go in the alcoves at each side of the chimney breast in the big dining kitchen.
Peter started a few weeks ago by preparing the shelves which had come out of the old walk-in pantry.
However, it doesn’t matter how diligently you prepare, if your walls aren’t equally smooth, straight and square, this is what you get!!
But after a lot of hard work and judicious sawing and sanding, in weather which was much more suited to sitting on the beach, Peter prevailed over the lop-sided walls, as you can see here.
There needs to be a lot more work done on them before they can be called the finished article, indeed I have just finished painting them, but that’s only the start.
There is some debate as to what happens next.
Do we
A. Fill them with books just as they are, in the knowledge they would have to be emptied again to decorate and finish at some future date, but in so doing we would get rid of loads of boxes thereby freeing up space for said decorating.
B. Keep the books in boxes out of harms way, but very much in our way, and decorate as best we can around them.
At the moment I don’t know which we’ll do, perhaps we should ask Leonard for his opinion, if he’s not too busy!

Judith, I love your updates. Hearing about someone’s DIY project isn’t usually very interseting let alone entertaining. Yours is both. Keep on blogging. You may be better at writing that putting up shelves 🙂