As Good As A Rest
Posted By Judith on 13th July 2017
After the trials and tribulations of the last 2 weeks we decided we needed a change of scenery, after all ‘they’ say it’s as good as a rest and to be honest we felt like we needed one of those too.
So last Sunday we spent the day in Scarborough, one of our favourite seaside resorts. The forecast was good and as we’d only been once this year, that was back in March, we thought another visit was overdue.
We’d never visited as early as that before and you could tell they weren’t quite ready for us, but Sunday was different. Scarborough was it’s usual bustling vibrant self and the weather had obviously got the memo too as it was glorious.

Trouble is ‘they’ were wrong, a change is good, but it’s certainly not restful. By the time we’d walked round for 5 hours we were both shattered, despite lots of sitting down, fish and chips and some of the best ice cream anywhere in the country. Not to mention the small matter of a 155 mile round trip drive for me.
We arrived home safely feeling like we needed a holiday!
Back in the real world the decorating has reached that final stage where the majority of the work has been done but you’re left with those annoying twiddly bits that you’ve been putting off from the start.
The “20 assorted fuchsias for £5” have turned into 13 which is still good value I suppose, but it will be next year before they really come into their own, so I’ll have to nurse them through the winter.
I’ve had 75% success rate with my pelargonium cuttings and my aubretia seedlings are doing well as are my sweetcorn and broad beans. The same can’t be said for my peas which are a bit of a disaster.
I shall be falling asleep in front of Wimbledon this afternoon. It makes me tired just watching them, I think need a rest!