Another Week At Grassy Bottom
Posted By Judith on 8th July 2017
After the shenanigans of last week with the kettles, candlesticks and mirrors, not to mention the decorating, I was hoping this week would be a little quieter.
And so it was until Wednesday afternoon when Terry came to help us cut the LONG hedge which runs along the side of the road.
In previous years we’ve only done one side and part of the top by hand, preferring to leave the road side where the ditch is to the man with the big machine later in the year.
For some reason this year we decided to try and do the top and both sides by hand and thanks to Terry’s sterling efforts we succeeded.
I’ve mentioned previously our love/hate relationship with hedges and Wednesday did nothing to change our minds.
After over 2 hours of back breaking, hot and dusty work I’d filled 7 of those very big builders bags (you know the sort I mean, they have handles and look like a giants shopping bag) with the trimmings, by the time I’d finished my face resembled a lightly boiled beetroot.
But there’s no doubt the hedge looked better for it even if I didn’t.
On Thursday night we had a big thunderstorm which caused a brief power cut and when I got up yesterday morning I discovered my computer had died.
Fortunately I had saved a lot of my ‘stuff’ on a memory stick and am now up and running again using Peter’s old computer, but sadly I’ve lost all the e mail addresses from my ‘contacts’ list.
So if anyone out there, who I haven’t contacted already, has corresponded with me in the past and would like to do so again, I no longer have your details so please e mail me. My e mail address is unchanged.
In other news, we now have a second swallow nest in the garage which is much more visible than the first one. I’ve seen a bird sitting on it, but no babies as yet, though I suspect at least one lot has already fledged.
Finally I’ll leave you with another plant combination, a lily (variety unknown) and hypericum.