And Then There Were ??
Posted By Judith on 26th May 2017
Well I might have started off with around 160 seedlings, but I’m afraid that’s not how many plants I’m going to finish with.
After they’d shivered in arctic temperatures and been blown horizontal by strong winds, nearly drowned by heavy downpours, chomped on by snails and slugs and pulled out with their roots by wood pigeons, (not to mention a few of them being dropped on their heads by me) I’ve finished up with around 100 small plants.
The begonias have been a nightmare and the candelabra primulas didn’t germinate at all, the kniphofia were disappointing, but it seems I’m good at acanthus as 5 out of 5 germinated and survived!
At the moment I’m questioning whether it’s worth it, I could just go out and buy some plants, but I suppose there’s a certain pride in growing your own and it’s certainly a lot cheaper.
I fear there will be more casualties as, despite the dry weather, some are still being eaten overnight.
Elsewhere the swallow precautions of a few weeks ago
“We now have to turn our attention to the swallows who should be arriving very soon.We always knew this would be an issue as even last year they showed some interest in moving into the roof space. Over the last few days we’ve spent some time trying to work out potential nesting sites within the roof trusses and the subsequent ‘fall out’ area beneath.Having done that we’ve nailed some boards in place which should still allow them access but hopefully protect the car from their droppings and other debris.”
haven’t been entirely successful as they didn’t take account of ‘in-flight defecating’ (now there’s a phrase you don’t get to write very often!) so we invested in a tarpaulin to suspend from the ceiling, protecting the car but still allowing them access to their nest in the roof.
Installation went quite smoothly and is invisible to the casual observer. I had been worried we might scare them off, but I’m pleased to say the pair returned within minutes of us finishing the job, though there were a couple of times when they had to adjust their ‘final approach’ to allow for their slightly smaller front door.
Continuing on a positive note, the bomb site that was the drive 12 months ago is beginning to take shape. We’re particularly fond of the Polygonatum, commonly known as ‘Solomon’s Seal’, planted at regular intervals along it’s length.
Dug up from other areas of the garden this picture doesn’t really do it justice, but you get the idea.

Peter says it’s the Maria Sharapova of the plant world, slender, graceful and elegant

and who could argue with that?