Adrian’s Wall
Posted By Judith on 24th July 2017
You know how I love ‘before’ and ‘after’ pics and we don’t seem to have had any for ages, well I thought it was about time to put that right.
Remember a lifetime ago the concrete ‘gravestones’ that ran along the long side of the house?

By the end of January 2016, they had been removed

and by March Adrian’s wall was taking shape.

In April it had been topped-off with blue bricks and I had planted a few of my plants. It sounds easy in a short sentence like that, but it was anything but, having first to level all the ground and remove the hundreds of stones and pockets of rubble that had been unearthed.

Then we had to repair the lawn and by July 2016 it was beginning to look like a garden again and not a building site.

But just look at it in 2017.
In Early Spring the lilac Primula denticulata (‘drumstick’ primulas) are replaced by red and yellow tulips.

Closely followed by aquilegia. They come in all colours, this is just one example.

Then a few weeks later iris arrive.

Followed in June/July by Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ in all his glory. I love his un-opened buds as much as his flowers, they’re beautiful.

I’m hoping next year it will be better still as I’ve planted Rudbekia and Monarda among the ‘Lucifers’, some of the few seedlings I grew earlier in the year that actually made it.
There are also some Japanese Anemones in there as well, pinched from elsewhwere in the garden but they haven’t quite hit their stride yet. Also Gladioli, it should be spectacular in a year or two, if the wind and rain ever allows them to stand upright.
But for now I’m more than happy to have gone from this

to this.

I hope Gladys would approve.