A Day Trip
Posted By Judith on 7th September 2017
Last Saturday we visited Matlock Bath in Derbyshire. We have been before but as it was 25 years ago we thought another visit was overdue.
Having consulted the map to get a rough idea of our route we decided to rely on the ‘sat nav’ for the first time.
Peter entered out destination and turned up the volume so I could actually hear what she was saying and we were off.
Never having relied on ‘sat nav’ before I was a bit sceptical, but soon got the hang of it and found that it was very helpful, although it couldn’t do much about the heavy traffic, nor the fact that on the return journey I got in the wrong lane at a big roundabout, got boxed in by a wagon and ended up heading north on the M1.
Not my finest moment and it clearly gave the ‘sat nav’ a headache as it announced a recalculation was necessary. Was that a note of irritation I heard in her voice?
It didn’t say much after that, but once I’d left the motorway and ‘she’ had recovered her composure it guided us home without further mishap.
Apart from that we had a lovely day.
River Derwent at Matlock Bath.

Heights of Abraham cable car.

Did we go on it? No because I’m terrified of heights, Abraham’s or anyone elses!
We then took the short drive to Matlock itself where we parked at the railway station,

where Peak Rail

operate a regular steam train service for tourists. (Sorry about the blatant advertising, it was impossible to avoid.)

A wander round the shops, ice cream and another look at the river.

A day trip to Derbyshire.