A Close Shave
Posted By Judith on 30th July 2018
We’ve all heard how more accidents happen in the home than anywhere else, well I wonder how many of those accidents are animal related? In this particular instance for ‘animal’ read ‘cat’.
It’s no secret that Grayson, having got his paws under the table following his accident last year, loves his home comforts. Here he is relaxing on a sofa.

Yet he is equally at home on a hard surface.
Helping me in the garden, (unlike Dulcie and Leonard he hates gardening)

or providing technical support when I’m on the computer (he’s useless as a mouse mat).

But his favourite hard surface is one that is adjacent to a sunny window.
Here he is enjoying dappled shade beneath our ‘Money Plant’. (Crassula ovata)

Just recently he’s taken to sleeping by the sink as it appears to satisfy all his current requirements.
Not ideal, but the main problem is that as he warms up he spreads out. He’s a big cat so it isn’t long before he turns into an ‘accident waiting to happen’ as I discovered the other day when I arrived just in time to prevent the kettle from shuffling off into the sink.

As you can see he managed to sleep through the whole thing!

Now I move the kettle out of his way as that’s easier than trying to move him.
Cats. Don’t you just love ’em?!